

E-mail : edssh@univ-pau.fr

Phone : 05 59 40 76 06


Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Bâtiment DEG

Avenue du Doyen Poplawski
BP 1633



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Doctoral School Social Sciences and Humanities - ED SSH 481

Flash Info :

The SEA and SSH Doctoral Schools and the Centre for Doctoral Studies (CED), in collaboration with the STEE, SSH and E2I Colleges and the “Direction Grands Projets” of the UPPA, are organizing ‘The Doctoral Schools Day’ around UPPA's five interdisciplinary scientific missions on Wednesday 27 November 2024, in the STEE College premises - Science Building, Pau Campus.

On this day, 3rd year PhD students will present their research topic orally in a short format (3 minutes) easy to understand for the general public. Nearly 70 presentations are expected!

Programme and order of presentations by PhD students


Welcome to the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities (ED 481 SSH), a school that brings together all the laboratories of the Law, Economics, Management, Literature, Languages, Human and Social Sciences and Sports departments, and welcomes over 250 doctoral students.


The ED's mission is to strengthen students' knowledge of their chosen doctoral discipline, and to deepen their understanding of the research methods used in their field, while offering a multi-disciplinary culture in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The ED organizes a number of events that transcend disciplines and borders (cross-border doctoral events, interdisciplinary seminars, etc.).

The ED also aims to facilitate the professional integration of future PhDs, in both the academic and professional worlds.

It ensures a quality approach to training, notably by setting up committees to monitor individual doctoral students, and by providing thesis supervisors with the tools they need for quality supervision. It works towards the continuous improvement of doctoral training by evaluating and analyzing the teaching provided.

Finally, it is committed to putting in place the conditions to enable the preparation of a doctorate in three years full-time equivalent devoted to research (or a maximum of six years in other cases), in compliance with the decree of May 25, 2016 setting the national framework for doctoral training.

Students wishing to pursue a doctorate will find on this site all the information they need to prepare a thesis: doctoral student guide, registration procedures, administrative formalities, doctoral contract, etc. They will also find essential information on the training courses offered during the academic year. Thesis supervisors will find national and international calls for applications for doctoral contracts and other available sources of funding.

Please consult it regularly!

In conclusion, writing a thesis is an exciting intellectual pursuit, which develops a sense of responsibility, autonomy and teamwork. We wish all our future PhD students and their supervisors a fruitful and fulfilling research experience.


ED SSH 481 is an internal training component of UPPA's Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and European and International Studies (2EI) Colleges. It is headed by a Director, assisted by a Council for issues relating to doctoral training policy and strategy, an Office to ensure that the program runs smoothly, and a Pedagogical Commission to study or propose changes to the training plan.

Staff in charge of administrative and financial management, doctoral training programs, doctoral student enrolment, thesis defense, European projects, the Graduate School Green and quality assurance are grouped together in the Centre des Etudes Doctorales.

Agenda 2024/2025