Applying for an academic position

Applying for an academic position

How do I become a teacher-researcher?

To work as a teacher-researcher, a doctorate is required, followed by passing competitive recruitment exams organized by higher education establishments.

In France, lecturers are classified into two senior civil service bodies: maîtres de conférences (MCF) and professeurs des universités (PR).

Qualification is compulsory to apply to these two bodies. The application for qualification is made on the portail GALAXIE:

          -     registration (September - November)

          -     submission of all required documents (December - January).


The application is examined by the relevant section of the CNU.

The CNU is a national body that decides on individual measures relating to the qualification, recruitment and career of university professors and lecturers.

It is important to consult the criteria and recommendations of the CNU section to which you wish to apply for qualification.

How can I become a researcher in a major French research institute?

Procedures, lists of documents to be produced and timetables are published on the websites of the major institutes: CNRS, INRIA, INRAE, …