Conduct your thesis under joint supervision

Conduct your thesis under joint supervision

PhD students can carry out a joint thesis supervised by two supervisors from two universities in different countries.

Co-supervision of a thesis requires a minimum stay of 9 months in each of the two partner institutions. In the case of co-supervised theses between two institutions of the UNITA Alliance, the 9 months of mobility may include a maximum of 3 months of mobility outside the partner universities. The doctoral thesis will be defended in only one of the two countries and the doctoral degree will be recognised in both countries.

An agreement sets out the framework and organisation of this collaboration:

  • annual enrolment at each university ;

  • definition of mobility periods

  • definition of the place where the thesis will be defended.

Models of cotutelle agreements for UPPA doctoral students are available at espace intranet.


Conditions for setting up an international co-supervision agreement

A number of conditions must be met before a co-tutored thesis can be set up.

  • The foreign institution must be accredited to award the doctorate,
  • The PhD project is based on an international research collaboration,
  • Doctoral students conduct their research under the guidance of a thesis supervisor in each of the countries involved. The two proposed supervisors, one in France and one in the foreign partner country, must be authorized to supervise a thesis in accordance with the specific rules of their country,
  • Before taking any steps to establish an international thesis co-supervision agreement, the candidate must obtain approval from the doctoral school for his/her enrolment in a doctoral programme at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour.
  • Doctoral students are enrolled each year in doctoral programmes at both partner universities,
  • The thesis is defended at only one examination. The doctor is awarded two doctoral degrees. Each of the two diplomas will mention the international supervision of the thesis and the name of the foreign partner institution.

For further information, please contact :  Centre des Études Doctorales