Registering for doctoral studies

Registering for doctoral studies

The process involves 2 stages:

  • A (pre)registration at the Doctoral School.
  • An administrative registration at the UPPA Central Registration Centre.

Registration for a doctorate must be renewed annually by the deadline, which runs from July to the end of October.


    First Registration

    Enrolment in the first year of the doctoral program is decided by the Director of the Établissement on the recommendation of the Director of the doctoral school, based on the advice of the thesis director and the director of the research unit.

    To be eligible for doctoral studies, candidates must hold a national Master's degree or another degree with a Master's qualification. If this degree requirement is not met, the president of the university may, by dispensation and on the recommendation of the doctoral school council, enrol in the doctoral programme people who have completed studies of an equivalent level or people with professional experience that can be valorised by a doctorate (validation des acquis de l'expérience).

    The thesis director sends the Doctoral School office the recruitment report on the successful candidate. Once the ED office has given its opinion, the candidate can apply for thesis registration by creating a profile on the ADUM platform.

    Creating your ADUM account
    • Complete all 10 sequences in the registration process by filling in all the required fields.

    • Be sure to indicate the title of the doctorate and the speciality (there is a choice of 22 titles and 46 specialities).

    • Supporting documents to be uploaded to ADUM:

                            -   ID copy

                            -   Copy of Master's diploma

                            -  Form to be filled in: Types of thesis funding


    • Sign the doctoral school's charter and internal regulations. These documents outline the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved and should be read thoroughly before signing.

    If you have any problems, please contact the Doctoral School secretariat: inscription-ed @

    Foreign students: see the administrative assistance available from the International Welcome Desk



    Individual monitoring committee

    At the end of each year of the thesis, prior to re-enrolment, the PhD student's individual monitoring committee (CSI) ensures that the doctoral programme is running well, on the basis of the doctoral charter and the training agreement. During an interview with the PhD student, the committee assesses the conditions of his/her training and the progress of his/her research. The CSI is particularly vigilant in identifying any form of conflict, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment, or sexist behaviour.

    Organizing the CSI is a prerequisite for any re-registration.

    Download the CSI Sheet 

    • Organize your CSI meeting before the start of the re-registration period (July-October). It is highly recommended that you schedule this meeting in May or June.

    Individual training agreement

    The thesis director and the doctoral student must sign an individual training agreement. This agreement should specify, among other things, the PhD student's professional project and the individual training program associated with this project.

    •  Before re-registering for the second year of your thesis, you must complete the individual training agreement (CIF) directly from your ADUM profile. Additionally, you must complete the HRE questionnaire, which covers material conditions and integration into the laboratory to which you are attached.
    Registration after the 3rd (or 6th) year of thesis
    •  For a full-time doctorate, you can request a derogation to extend the thesis duration from the 4th registration onwards. For a part-time doctorate, this request can be made from the 7th registration onwards. The request must be signed by your thesis director and submitted with the CSI report in ADUM.


    Application for re-registration in ADUM
    •  Submit the required documents for re-registration in ADUM :

      - CSI form completed and signed by all parties (needed for any re-registation)

      - CIF and HRE questionnaire (for enrolment in 2nd year)

      - Request for exemption (for registration above the 3rd or 6th year)

      - Proof of thesis funding (if different from previous year)

    BE AWARE OF DEADLINES! After submitting your registration request in ADUM, you must wait for approval from the thesis director, research laboratory, and Doctoral School. Only after this process is complete will the Doctoral School issue the pass and send you an authorization email to complete your administrative registration.

  2. Once your registration request has been validated in ADUM, the Doctoral School will send you an email with the steps to complete your administrative (re-)registration.

    Registration regime

    The procedures are different depending on your registration status ("formation initiale" or "formation continue"). The Doctoral School will notify you of your registration status in the email authorizing (re)registration.

    • Formation initiale (student regime)

    The Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC) fee (2024/2025 forecast: €103) must be paid to the CROUS before administrative registration. Payment can be made on the website All necessary information and payment details can be found on the CROUS website.

    • Formation continue (resumption of studies, job seeker)

    Before the administrative registration, schedule an appointment with the FTLV Department to:

             -     create the training contract (or agreement if paid for by the employer),

             -     pay the application fee of €99 (individual rate 2024),

             -     obtain the contractualisation certificate (or discharge certificate if paid for by an employer).

    Registration at UPPA's central school department

    Supporting documents to provide:

             -     Anti-plagiarism commitment

             -     PhD students outside France during their PhD studies must provide a certificate from their thesis supervisor or a civil liability insurance certificate.

             -     Attestation of DFTLV contract (for doctoral students in continuing education)

    Registration and re-registration periods.

    Registrations for the first year can be made at any time during the academic year.

    Re-registration is open from 08th July to 31st October inclusive.


    Social security affiliation

    The student social security contribution has been abolished, and you must be affiliated to the general scheme.  (+ d’info)